What is addiction?

Addiction is a chronic, but treatable, brain disorder in which people lose the ability to control their need for alcohol or other drugs

Who can suffer from alcoholism?

Alcohol does not discriminate. When it comes to alcoholism, a person of any age, from any ethnic or social background may suffer its effects. Family history can play a significant role in one’s inability to drink responsibly. If you think you or a loved one may be an alcoholic, give us a call to learn more

What can heroin addiction do to a person’s life?

Heroin is one of the most addictive drugs on the market. It is an opioid and a depressant, meaning it slows down the brain’s ability to function. Those who inject heroin are at risk for diseases such as HIV, AIDS, and hepatitis. Heroin addiction can lead to debt, insanity and death.

How can you detect a prescription drug addiction?

Prescription drug abuse is very hard to detect. The person taking medication in the form of pills has the ability to hide his or her use. Prescription drug abusers may go through an outrageous number of pills in short periods of time. Abnormal behavior, specifically behavior related to the medicines being taken, may also indicate a growing abuse of the pills.

How do 12-step or self-help programs fit into drug addiction treatment?

Self-help groups can complement and extend the effects of professional treatment. We encourage patients to participate in a self-help group during and after formal treatment. Contact us to find the right group for your needs.

Common Drugs Used by Local Teens with Signs and Symptoms to Watch for …

Substance, Street Name, and Symptoms

  1. Alcohol:

    Personality change, intense emotionality, staggered gait, risk-taking, slurred speech.

  2. Marijuana (Pot, Weed, Bud):

    Red eyes, dry mouth, poor eye contact, inappropriate smiling, and laughter, withdrawn.

  3. Synthetic (Spice, K2)

    More intense symptoms to include tachycardia and possibly psychosis

  4. Cocaine (Crack is smokeable from Rock):

    Dilated pupils, elevated mood, increases motor activity, paranoia, depression, and lethargy after effects subside.

  5. Methamphetamine (Crystal, Meth, Crank, Ice is the smokeable form):

    Dilated pupils, elevated mood, increased motor activity, paranoia, depression, and lethargy after effects subside.

  6. Opioids (Oxycotin, Vicodin, Oxycodone, Soma, Percocet, Percodan, Heroin, Black Tar Heroin):

    Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, staggered gait, slowed reaction time, pupil constriction, constipation.

  7. Psilocybin (Shrooms):

    Dilated pupils, hypersensitivity to tactile, visual, and auditory stimuli, paranoia, panic attacks, mood swings.

  8. LSD (Acid, Fry):

    Same as #7 typically more intense symptoms.

  9. Ecstacy (XTC, E):

    Stimulant-like symptoms with mild hallucinogenic action, increased stamina, increased fluid intake.

  10. Xanax (alprazolam):

    Fearless risk-taking, mood swings, violence, staggered gait, slurred speech, slow motor movements, and reaction time.

  11. Inhalants (Whip its, Paint, Glue, Butane, Potpourri, Computer Cleaner):

    Stuporous, daydreaming, fatigued, disoriented.

  12. Ritalin, Adderall (Prescribed for Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorders):

    When not medically indicated, same as stimulants.

  13. Ketamine (K, Kat), Phencyclidine (PCP, Angel Dust):

    Numbness, Hallucinations, Slurred Speech, and paralysis.

  14. Coricidin (Skittling, Cold Tabs, DXM):

    Hallucinations, out-of-body experiences, Dilated pupils, loss of coordination, seizures, respiratory distress, impaired judgment.


Contact the Mark at 520-326-6182 to set up a confidential assessment to determine what treatment referral would be most effective for you. We accept most major insurances including, Aetna, United Healthcare, Humana, Cigna, TRICARE, BlueCross BlueShield.

Call 520-326-6182 to learn about your insurance coverage and self ­pay.